Udupi, Jan 7, 2015 : A man from Belgaum who claims that he was being tortured by his first wife by misusing the IPC Section 498A, has put forth a demand for the formation of a National Men’s Committee for welfare of victims. The man named Santosh Kumar Bhagwana Potdar from a village named Thelasangha in Belgaum spoke to media men here on January 6, Tuesday and alleged that there are some instances wherein women make false allegations of torture by filing dowry harassment cases. Santosh is an MSW, MA (Psy), PGDCA and Ph.D degree holder and claims he is a victim of domestic violence. He also stated that he wanted to launch a movement where he would traverse from … [Read more...] about Man claims domestic violence and false 498A by wife, plans to travel from Belgaum to Delhi
Sujit Kumar Singh of Jharkhand on hunger strike in jail protesting against false IPC 498A case जेल में बंद युवक का अनशन जारी, स्वास्थ में आई गिरावट Bhaskar News Network | Feb 15, 2015, 02:30:03 AM IST दहेजप्रताड़ना मामले में जेल भेजे गए गिरिडीह के बरगंडा निवासी सुजीत कुमार द्वारा पिछले 11 दिनों से अनशन पर रहने के कारण उनकी हालत बिगड़ती जा रही है। अनशन के बाद से ही जेल प्रशासन ने उन्हें सदर अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है, जहां उन्हें नियमित रूप से स्लाइन चढ़ाई जा रही है। मगर अन्न नहीं ग्रहण करने के कारण उनकी हालत दिनोदिन खराब होती जा रही है। शनिवार को एसडीओ लियाकत अली ने सदर अस्पताल में उनसे उससे अनशन समाप्त करने की अपील की। मगर सुजीत ने कहा कि न्याय मिलने तक अनशन जारी रखेंगे। उन्होंने अपनी बेगुनाही की बात दुहराते हुए कि उनकी प|ी द्वारा उनपर झूठा मुकदमा … [Read more...] about Sujit Kumar Singh of Jharkhand on hunger strike in jail protesting against false IPC 498A case
Men ki Baat – Counselling, Discussion of personal cases on Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp
Public Telegram group for asking Questions Use below link to join Telegram group to join the group directly and browse chat history. Join Men Rights India Q&A Group Since anyone can join above group, there is no guarantee of who is who, so people should keep that in mind. However, all group members need to follow basic posting etiquettes, and government of India's guidelines. Private WhatsApp group for chat and sharing with others We have started an online community in form of WhatsApp group where members can discuss and share with other members. It’s now structured as a self-supporting community and admin will only act as facilitator - for adding/removing group members, and ensuring guidelines are being followed. Also, now it is mandatory to send photo identity and … [Read more...] about Men ki Baat – Counselling, Discussion of personal cases on Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp
What should be my stand in court?
Hmmm… I find the question quite perplexing, when a man is facing a false 498a or DV (Domestic Violence) case or an unjustifiable demand for maintenance from wife: “what should be my stand in court?” How about: “I’m innocent! Let the law take its course.” Apparently for 80-95% of Indian husbands, that’s too much complication. They want to have a ‘stand’ which will achieve the following for them: If they are fearing IPC 498a, then anticipatory bail should be easy to get. (Note: after Jul 2014 SC judgment, it appears arrests have drastically come down so this concern should reduce) If they already have maintenance case filed on them, then they should be able to pay zero or very low maintenance. If wife is simply threatening at home, then they should be able to safeguard … [Read more...] about What should be my stand in court?
Advice to men on 498a, maintenance, DV, divorce, child custody, what else
A picture is worth a 1000 words, so we start our advice to men post with above picture. Studying above picture for 5 minutes will give you as much benefit as reading the whole of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, because you have most probably come here as a ‘victim of biased laws’, ‘harassed husband’, etc. etc. , and you are not a military general anyway; though one of these days one of them may also land up here! I deliberately edited out the woman’s butt so you don’t spend the 5 minutes looking there Update history This is meant to be a mega-post / mega-article to be written in phases, and eventually it will be the main post on men’s rights having links to other posts on specific topics. Following is a history of updates for repeat visitors. 2-Oct-2014: Section Encyclopaedia of false … [Read more...] about Advice to men on 498a, maintenance, DV, divorce, child custody, what else
Learn how to use IPC sections 498a, 307, and 376 to create negotiating spaces! Referring to news item above: I am not saying it's not abused. Just because it empowers women and gives them a negotiating space, [there are demands] that it be repealed. This is male chauvinism.” Justice Ganguly pointed out that Section 307 of the IPC was the most abused with instances of even a slap being construed as an attempt on one's life. As a SC judge, Justice A K Ganguly believes that IPC 498a gives women a negotiating space. The citizens would like to know further from the learned SC judge all the other sections of IPC which are meant to give negotiating space to citizens. He states that IPC 307 (attempt to murder) is most abused. I hope it is not because judiciary treats charges like “attempt to … [Read more...] about Learn how to use IPC sections 498a, 307, and 376 to create negotiating spaces!