Recently a video has become viral which is about Cafe Coffee Day woman employee slapping a male customer named Arpan after he is shown making video of the generously crawling cockroaches inside the refrigerated display cabinet where snacks are kept. The 18 seconds long video can be seen on YouTube below:
Time sequence of events at Jaipur Cafe Coffee Day (CCD)
It seems the actual incident happened 2 weeks back on March 13th and Cafe Coffee Day didn’t respond to Arpan’s legal notice sent on March 21st, but the whole thing started to unfold as a drama after the video went viral on Twitter and social media on March 27th. It seems the video was already there on Facebook even on March 16th but since it was not viral by then, no one including the CCD people or this woman employee ‘victim’ felt there was any problem.
As per details shared in above tweet, on March 27th the video was shared on Twitter, and on 28th the woman employee suddenly woke up to the realization that she had suffered molestation and harassment at hands of this male customer, so an IPC 354 (molestation) case along with IPC 323 (assault) and 506 (criminal intimidation) sections has been filed on Arpan.
Following tweet from March 29th makes it clear that the woman employee filing complaint against Arpan was not done out of her own free well or desire, but as a negotiation tactic to quietly bury and forget all the complaints/legal notice/future cases on CCD.
Now the interesting thing is that Arpan who made the cockroach-at-cafe video is currently a law student and so are his friends whose tweets are shown in this post. And they have taken a stand that they will not compromise and fight out the false case. See tweet below:
It’s quite commendable that law students have taken a stand against false cases. However, I was intrigued to notice that one of them has the word Feminist mentioned in his Twitter profile, along with others like liberal, humanist, socialist etc. All those are very nice, conformist, trendy, and politically correct words; except the irony is probably lost on them that they are facing this situation and false case precisely because the law and justice system has been hijacked by feminist agenda and feminist dogma.
How this case might proceed – and don’t forget to say you are a feminist
Let’s refresh our memories a little bit from the infamous Rohtak sisters false case of Nov 2014 which I had covered in many posts at the time.
Following post gives a summary and sequence of events, and background of the sisters and whole family in filing false cases.
Following post gives my analysis that the “investigation has been fixed” because a polygraph (lie-detector) test is unreliable, it can’t be used as evidence anyway, and most importantly the evidence exonerating boys was already there in the form of multiple eyewitnesses’ account.
Maybe as a result of above fiasco in the name of ‘braveheart heroines’ media and society is so desperate to find, even Haryana women’s commission decided to prosecute women for filing false cases.
I had even started a change.org petition to prosecute the sisters which couldn’t even muster 1000 signatures, so nothing further could be done.
Recently in March 2017, the accused boys were acquitted by court in the above case, but of course the court won’t say that either the case was filed with malicious intentions, or even if the prosecution/police has any malafide intentions in prosecuting them.
Now for all those who are cribbing about what does one false case of Rohtak sisters has to do with feminism and law and justice, it’s not about ‘one false case’, it’s only that that one case came into limelight, became viral, and was prima facie evident to be false.
False crimes against women cases are filed everyday
False crime against women cases are filed everyday, it's just that people are hardwired to believe a woman vis-a-vis a man unless prima-facie hard evidence of false allegation like a viral video etc, and even then they don't care because it is general tendency in society that a man can always pick himself up after he gets kicked to the ground, but a woman must be protected, even if from her own stupidities! Most of these cases can't be proven prima-facie false except after trial, there are no great newspaper stories after the men are acquitted in trial, and people think it's rare someone out there who is getting affected and it will never happen to themselves!
Law and Justice under Feminism, cultural marxism, and SJW (social justice warriors) regime
Now in this CCD cockroaches case of State of Rajasthan vs Arpan under IPC 354 etc, again the evidence of molestation/assault etc is almost nil against the accused, and evidence against complainant is strong, so he can’t get convicted in criminal trial. However, the whole feminism-inspired-law-and-justice theory says that it doesn’t matter how many false cases can get filed, it’s all very good because it helps to create confidence in genuine women victims to come forward and report crimes against them. In fact there is no such thing as a false crime against women case under feminist/SJW dogma, because under feminist and SJW dogma what a woman feels in her mind is her truth, the important truth, and the whole truth. All prima-facie evidence including hard evidence like chat messages, emails, photos, videos, CCTV captures etc which strongly suggest the case is false should be ignored by police and prosecution and a trial must be conducted. After all, how many genuine victims might otherwise get discouraged if we don’t allow these women to file false cases!
Crimes against women – a quick education for law students to save them an year worth of effort
Another irony is that on one side the accused is a law student, and on the other side also a ‘learned’ lawyer of CCD is offering to withdraw sexual harassment case filed by woman employee of CCD if the accused withdraws his own complaints etc. So if on both sides there are people with knowledge of law, then whose version of law is the right one?
So this example of CCD cockroach fiasco can be used as background for a live-lesson for law students about crimes against women laws in India. The basic principle of Indian law/justice related to crimes against women is very simple:
Scenario 1. All crimes against women cases can be tried in court either as genuine crimes against women;
Scenario 2. OR these alleged crimes against women can be switched anytime instead to be used as bargaining chips in a civil type negotiation with the accused, at the option of the woman (and her backers like CCD in this case). Police, opponent lawyer, your lawyer, as well as judiciary will extend their helpful advice during their settlement process and suggest to you the great bargain you are getting in not having to face a trial for false case! Don’t worry about molestation and IPC 498A type of cases, because settlement and compromise has been allowed even in rape cases (Hint: no actual rape happened)! The accused cannot use this point about negotiation being used in a criminal case, because compromise, negotiated settlement, mutual quash in high court etc, have all been sanctioned liberally by way of precedents created by both high courts and the Supreme Court. After all, why should some text in a statute or basic principles of criminal justice come in the way of justice to women and women empowerment!
So for all those who want to get justice under a feminist/SJW regime, under Scenario 2 above you can get only a nightmare of law and justice. Scenario 1 is supposedly for genuine women victims of crimes who should probably feel thrilled with the idea of having to face police who are suspicious of genuineness of their case; to public prosecutor who spends most of the time handling false cases by women so he/she just takes it as one more case; to long delays in courts because their ‘sisterhood’-of-false-case-variety has clogged the courts and perverted the whole criminal justice process.
There is no shame in ditching a wrong and rotten ideology, and it’s best to ditch it as soon as one gets enlightened.