Friends: do you feel you have been through following situations or likely to go through them in near future?
1. Your wife has left the house without any reason or communication, and now her parents or someone else is doing whisper campaign against you?
2. You have tried to call your wife back many times trying to reason with her, her parents; but they always suggest that you follow some conditions, rather than even discuss what’s the real issue.
Worry not, for now we present after years of studying these situations the highly (un)definite guide to assessing your false cases and marriage breakup score. Think about it this way: sometimes the bad news can be the good news if delivered early enough. For example, we all know how dangerous is a disease like cancer. Now if you are told that you have cancer in early stage, but it’s only a localized tumour and can be removed by undergoing an operation, and a full recovery is guaranteed; is that a good news or bad news? I would say it’s good news. Of course I can hear the argument by some wise guy: “how to prevent the cancer in the first place?”. Hey wise guy! We will surely solve all the world problems including global warming and world peace in due course of time, but let’s just stick to the reality of what’s happening in our lives RIGHT NOW! If we live for another day, many things are possible - including how to prevent the cancer.
So here is the self-assessment questionnaire. Add the points given after the statement if that statement applies to your situation as of now. At the end of survey, total up your score and match it against the score slabs to assess the probability of false cases and marriage breakup.
1. Wife has threatened to commit suicide 2 times (+30).
2. Wife has threatened to commit suicide 3 or more times (+70).
3. Wife left the house without any communication or giving any reason, and have stopped communication. In fact, they are now blaming or trying to find some faults with you. (+20)
4. Wife stayed away from you for more than 6 months within first year of marriage (not because of work related travel or other practical/genuine reasons). (+50)
5. Wife (but not in-laws) suggested that you should stay away or take a separate house from parents, and nothing like this was hinted before marriage. (+10)
6. In-laws (but not wife) suggested that you should stay away or take a separate house from parents, and nothing like this was hinted before marriage. (+30)
7. Both wife and in-laws suggested that you should stay away or take a separate house from parents, and nothing like this was hinted before marriage. (+30)
8. Your father-in-law says that you should keep your wife/his daughter happy and some vague statements which are unwarranted and out of the blue. The hint being given is that she is not happy. (+20)
9. Your wife/in-laws suggest that you should take a house on rent close to her parents’ house. There is no practical need or justification behind it however. (+50).
10. If you come a bit late from work, wife tries to start an unnecessary argument or tells her parents or someone else that you might be having an affair. (+20).
11. You come to know of an issue raised by your wife not from her, but through her parents. (add +10 for each issue).
12. Your father in law threatens you about how you may face trouble from police, from women's NGO, legal cases etc. (+90).
13. In combination with one or more of above happening over a period of time, your wife actually tried to commit suicide, but was saved because of medical intervention etc (+120).
Total Score:
1. 100 or more. False cases, marriage Breakup (FCMB) guaranteed.
2. 60-100. High probability of FCMB.
3. 30-60. Wait and hope may work, but not if the in-laws are a feminist/matriarchal family. Get careful while it’s possibly tumour stage.
4. 10- 30. If in-laws’ family is not a feminist/matriarchal setup, things might sort out.
5. 0. Congratulations. Not only you have a relatively problem free married life, but you have sufficient leisure to read things of no consequence to you personally … But do spread the word.
Do read the main advice to men post.