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Section 5. Can a woman who has filed DV case later file 498A too?
Yes. Of course. DV Act is created to give some civil benefits to wife, and IPC 498A was the criminal section added to IPC in 1983 and now used mainly to torture husbands and his family members. The real life use of IPC 498A is to drag husband and family into criminal cases. The real life use of DV Act is to make false domestic violence allegations and claim both compensation, and monthly maintenance based on those allegations.
Section 3 b) outlines usage of DV Act to file complaint for dowry harassment too.
In fact, the DV Act says that it is duty of magistrate, service provider etc to inform the aggrieved person:
Section 9, 10. What to do if a women's NGO calls you about DV complaint against you?
Section 9 of PWDVA defines duties of protection officers to be: to make DIR (domestic incidence report) and send it to magistrate, to get her medically examined, and so on. You can read the details in Section 9 of PWDVA given in Appendix B.
Section 10 of DV Act also allows some of these duties to be performed by any NGO which has registered with the state government as a service provider under DV Act.
They also have some of the duties and powers given to protection officers, for example to make DIR, to get complainant medically examined etc. However, they don't have authority to call up the respondent in a DV complaint. So you can ask them to not bother you over the phone but tell them that you are willing to cooperate fully with court procedures and any written summons etc. One can stop needless worrying about when the next phone call will come, by taking this simple approach based on sound knowledge of law.