A reader has sent a compilation of links to bare acts available in PDF format on government websites. One may use them as needed. Knowing and reading bare acts is very important since many a time it is seen that people keep discussing endlessly on a topic without having even bothered to read the relevant IPC or section of bare act.
Bare act means the basic text of law as published in government gazettes without any further commentary, analysis, citations.
Details below:
Men are ignorant of laws, hence fooled/ harrassed by police, advocates, court staff. Knowledge of laws is essential to know our rights to defend ourself & live peacefully.
Please include useful web-links to laws, in your website in a separate tab. You may organize/ reorder in your preferred style.
- - - - - - Basics - - - - - -
Constitution of India: Fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy & fundamental duties. https://www.india.gov.in/sites/upload_files/npi/files/coi_part_full.pdf
Glossary of legal terms: http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?letter=A
- - - - - - Family/civil Laws - - - - - -
Courts laws eg FCA http://DoJ.gov.in/acts-and-rules
Civil procedure code http://indiacode.nic.in/acts/8.%20Code%20of%20Civil%20Procedure,%201908.pdf
Contempt of courts act http://doj.gov.in/sites/default/files/contempt.pdf
Limitation act https://indiacode.nic.in/acts/9.%20Limitation%20Act,%201963.pdf
Indian/dharmic religions family laws are bundled as Hindu acts. Islamic commandments is additional for Muslims.
Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act http://www.childLineIndia.org.in/Child-Related-Legislations.htm
Hindu Marriage Act http://www.delhihighcourt.nic.in/library/acts_bills_rules_regulations/The%20hindu%20marriage%20Act,%201955.pdf
Read your state civil rules of practice also.
Eg http://patnaHighCourt.gov.in/Rules.aspx
- - - - - Child Laws - - - - -
JJA, CPCRA, GWA, HMGA http://NCPCR.gov.in/index1.php?lang=1&level=0&linkid=18&lid=588
National Charter & Policy for Chidren http://www.childLineIndia.org.in/Child-Related-Policies.htm
UNCRC http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CRC.aspx
Law Commission on joint custody http://lawCommissionOfIndia.nic.in/reports/Report%20No.257%20Custody%20Laws.pdf
- - - - - Criminal Laws - - - - -
India Penal Code http://ecourts.gov.in/sites/default/files/The%20Indian%20Penal%20Code_1.pdf
CrPC https://indiacode.nic.in/acts/11.%20Code%20of%20Criminal%20Procedure,%201973.pdf
Indian Evidence Act https://jhpolice.gov.in/sites/default/files/INDIAN_EVIDENCE_ACT_1872.pdf