One of our group members from Pune sent a clipping of news of maintenance denied to wife from a Marathi newspaper. His comment below:
This order is of rejected maintenance to wife. Maintenance rejected because husband provided proofs of her Facebook and gmail accounts that she was chatting with her friends. Also proofs were provided of her mobile call records, and it was told to court that mother and sister both are working as well as petitioner was working before but not now. Keeping all this in mind there is no need of maintenance to wife.
The news clipping is below:
Even though I don’t speak Marathi, like Sherlock Holmes I went down to the task of trying to read whatever words I could understand from the news, to make some educated guess on what might have happened:
- First para says application rejected.
- Second para says wife filed allegations of mental and physical cruelty. There is also mention of 5 lakh in second para. Not sure if it is maintenance demand per month, alleged dowry demand, or compensation amount demanded under DV (Domestic Violence) Act. Second para also says there was demand of compensation, maintenance, and interim maintenance. I am assuming word “potagi” means maintenance, and a quick google search confirms my guess is right.
- Third para says husband went abroad for job. Not sure whether abroad or just outside of home state. All allegations of wife found false. Husband proved woman was continuously chatting on Facebook and Gmail with friends doing gossip etc. Petitioner woman was educated, and was working earlier. Therefore there is no need of maintenance, was argued by husband and upheld by court.
Game over!