This professor started a love affair with his student, had a physical relationship with her and promised to marry her. And when it came to marrying her, he ran away saying that his family members were not ready. But 16 years after the love affair ended, law has finally caught up with the medico of a premier dental college in Indore.
Banglore high court directed him this week to shell out Rs 22 lakh to the woman as compensation. Dr K V Nanjunda Swamy had an affair with a student he met in a dental college in Sullia (Karnataka) in 1998. The relationship between the professor, who was a lecturer then, and the first year student, went on for five years. However, when they were ready to marry each other in 2002, his family did not agree as they belonged to different castes.
Full story is given below:
The double standards of our Indian high courts allow them to indulge in this game of “now I am liberal, now I am traditional” at their own whim and fancy.
1. They will act with the outlook of a traditional Indian that a breach of promise to marry a woman must be taken as either rape, or the man must be forced to marry the woman to avoid rape charge, or he has to pay up, as is the case in this news above. In this case the man is being forced to pay 22 lakh to a woman. Both the man and woman are already married to other people.
2. But they wear their modern and liberal outlook with equal ease when the issue is about a judgment giving comments about moral and social code to be followed by society and women about sexual relations before marriage. Judges like Justice Virendar Bhat are condemned by them, who is really reflecting social mind-set which places a value on woman’s virginity than a man before marriage. Otherwise why would law allow a breach of promise to marry be taken as rape? He is incidentally is also the first judge to give a judgment on need to compensate men who are victims of false rape complaints.
One question will resolve all these issues clearly. Can an Indian man do anything if a woman promises marriage to him, and then dumps him? Is there any section of IPC about breach of marriage promise by a woman, or cheating, or robbing the man of his money and time over many years?
The answer is no. Ha ha… how can it be. Breach of a woman’s promise to marry? Is that a joke… It is assumed that the man always ‘enjoys’ the relationship, and the woman is just there following him like a docile cow! No matter how much he has financially and emotionally invested in the relationship himself, and he did not sign any contract to marry her just like the woman did not sign any contract to marry him and she is free to leave him. But the double standards are all in the open for everyone to see that the man is considered guilty when he leaves but a woman will never be considered guilty if she leaves the relationship. The women organisations and others who object to Justice Bhat’s remarks as patriarchal and oppressive don’t find any problem whatsoever with the patriarchal, protective attitude implicit in these rape complaints which is: a relationship between man and woman is always where a man seduces and leads the woman into the relationship who doesn’t know any better and she is not an adult person but a child who is being falsely led.
The reality is that the judges are operating from the mind-set that a woman who loses virginity, by her own choice, is a special case fit for protection and compensation by society and judges. That wonderful thing called woman’s agency vanishes into thin air. A woman never has agency while making these relationship decisions, she is like a child, but miraculously when she files a rape case, she recovers her woman’s agency and the judiciary must get involved whole heartedly to make clean her life decisions!