498A : aka Dowry/Cruelty etc
If you don’t know much about 498A, read the FAQ below:
498A FAQ
Why supreme court calls 498a as “Legal Terrorism”?
498A survival guide
Read the very detailed and excellent downloadable survival guide in PDF format is available here:
Take a printout of above guide and go through it over time. It is 40 pages long so take a double sided printout if possible. In case 498A is not filed yet, let your parents, siblings read the relevant information from it. That may help them prepare for the eventual 498A. It may help you to devise counterstrategy, get anticipatory bail, contact a lawyer, collect evidences etc.
The survival kit home page is at link below.
The above page also has links for Hindi and Gujarati versions of the survidal guide PDF for download. Keep checking the above site for latest information.